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WANG Yong 王勇

Assistant Professor

Address: Room 02c-106, Block N4, 50 Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798.
E-mail: yong-wang [at] ntu [dot] edu [dot] sg
Telephone: +65-65183446

Short Biography

I am a tenure-track assistant professor at College of Computing and Data Science (CCDS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Before that, I was an assistant professor at the School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS), Singapore Management University (SMU) from 2020 to 2024. My major research interests include Data Visualization, Visual Analytics, Human-computer Interaction and Explainable Artificial Intelligence. My research goal is to develop cutting-edge Information Visualization techniques and Interactive Visual Analytics systems to facilitate big data exploration and analytics. My research has been applied in different domains including online learning, Fintech, quantum computing and smart manufacturing. Part of my research has been covered by medias, including NHK TV, IEEE Spectrum and ACM SIGGRAPH blog.

I received my PhD degree in computer science from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), under the supervision of Prof. Huamin Qu. Before that, I obtained my B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), respectively.


[Multiple Positions!]: We are looking for self-motivated Ph.D./M.Eng Students, RAs and Visiting Interns. Here is the link for more details: [Link]. Drop me an email if interested!
Oct. 2024Our paper ChartKG is accepted by TVCG!
Sept. 2024Our paper on CNN Generalization is accepted by TVCG!
July 2024AdaMotif is accepted by IEEE VIS 2024!
July 2024I move to NTU after a very happy journey at SMU! Very grateful to all my SMU colleagues and friends!
March 2024I am recognized as the AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention in Visualization!
Jan. 2024ConceptThread is accepted by TVCG!
Jan. 2024VAID is accepted by CHI 2024!
Jan. 2024Kavinda joins the team as a RE! Welcome!
Dec. 2023VIOLET is accepted by PacificVis 2024 (TVCG Track)!
Oct. 2023QuantumEyes is accepted by TVCG!
Oct. 2023LLM4VIS is accepted by EMNLP 2023 (industry track)!
Sept. 2023Our paper on cryctocurrency mallice detection via intention discovery is accepted by TKDD!
Sept. 2023AdaVis is accepted by TVCG!
Sept. 2023NumGPT is accepted by FinLLM 2023 and wins the Technology Novelty Award!
Sept. 2023VISILIENCE is accepted by PRDC 2023!
Aug. 2023Li and Haoxuan started their six-month visit at SMU and Xiaolin joined us as a RE. Warm welcome!
July 2023Manusha joined our research team as a PhD student! Warm welcome!
July 2023My student Shaolun is awarded the SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship! Congratulations!
June 2023Our paper REAL is accepted by ECML/PKDD 2023!
June 2023Our paper on Intention Discovery in Cryptocurrency Transactions is accepted by SMC 2023!
June 2023I am honored to work as the session chair for EuroVis 2023.
May 2023Our paper on malicious cryptocurrency address detection is accepted by KDD 2023!
March 2023Our paper on DMiner is accepted by TVCG!
March 2023Two papers are accepted by EuroVis 2023!
March 2023Our work on international trade resilience analysis is accepted by Applied Geography!
March 2023Our work PonziLens is accepted by CHI 23 Late Breaking Work!
Feb. 2023Our MOE AcRF Tier 2 grant proposal is approved! Thank MOE of Singapore for their generous support!
Feb. 2023Our paper Anchorage is accepted by IEEE TVCG!
Feb. 2023Our paper DiffSeer is accepted by IEEE CG&A!
Feb. 2023Invited to serve on the IEEE VIS 23 Program Committee!
Jan. 2023Our paper NFTDisk is accepted by CHI 2023!
Nov. 2022Invited to serve on the CHI 2023 Late-Breaking Work Program Committee!
Oct. 2022Invited to join the International Program Committee of EuroVis 2023!
Sept. 2022We run two tutorials on VA for quantum computing at QCE 2022 and ESWeek 2022!
July 2022Recieve the Lee Kong Chian Fellowship for research excellece!
July 2022Two papers (VACSEN and Taurus) are accepted by IEEE VIS 2022!
July 2022Deliver an invited talk on AI4Vis at ChinaVis 2022!
May 2022Yanna and Cheng join us as visiting PhD students. Welcome!
May 2022GestureLens is accepted by TVCG!
April 2022Deliver an invited keynote speech on AI-powered Data Visualization at the VISxAI Workshop of PacificVis 2022!
April 2022Structure-aware Visualization Retrieval won CHI 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award!
March 2022Our paper BlockLens is accepted by L@S 2022 as a WIP paper!
March 2022Worked as a session chair for IUI 2022!
March 2022Another paper ComputableViz is accepted by CHI22!
March 2022iSearch and RumorLens are accepted as CHI22 Late Breaking Work!
Feb. 2022Structure-aware Visualization Retrieval is accepted by CHI22!
Feb. 2022Xiaolin joined our team as a visiting student! Warm Welcome!
Jan. 2022GNNLens is accepted by TVCG!
Jan. 2022Shaolun officially joined our team! Warm Welcome!
Nov. 2021KG4VIS is highlighted by ACM SIGGRAPH blog!
Nov. 2021Our paper BatchLens is accepted by DATE 2022!
Sept. 2021Two papers (KG4VIS and M^2Lens) are awarded IEEE VIS 2021 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award!
Aug. 2021Our survey paper on ML4VIS is accepted by TVCG!
Aug. 2021Songheng joined our research team and is the first PhD student of the team! Warm welcome!
July 2021Two papers (KG4VIS and M^2Lens) have been accepted by IEEE VIS 2021!
July 2021Our short paper (Intercept Graph) is accepted by IEEE VIS 2021 as a short paper!
July 2021Our paper (DeHumor) is accepted by TVCG!
May 2021Our research on video analysis was patented and integrated into Own The Room’s virtual training app!
March 2021iQUANT (Interactive Quantitative Investment) is accepted by EuroVis 2021!
Jan. 2021Our paper on visual analytics for the proctoring of online exams is accepted by CHI 2021!
Sept. 2020I join Singapore Management University as a tenure-track assistant professor.
Aug. 2020Our paper Tradao is accepted as a short paper by IEEE VIS 2020!
July 2020Our paper on student performance prediction on online learning platforms is accepted by CIKM 2020!
July 2020Three papers are accepted by IEEE VIS 2020!
March 2020Our paper RankBooster is accepted as a short paper by EuroVis 2020!
Jan. 2020EmotionCues (emotion-oriented classroom video summarization) is covered by IEEE Spectrum!
Dec. 2019PlanningVis is covered by the official WeChat account of Huawei Noah Ark Lab!
Dec. 2019After a Long March of two years, our paper EmotionCues is finally accepted by TVCG!
Dec. 2019Two papers are accepted by CHI 2020!
Dec. 2019Our paper on student performance prediction in online question pools is accepted by LAK 2020!
Aug. 2019Our poster based on our work in the E-learning project won the Best Poster Award of IEEE VIS 19!
July 2019Present our TVCG paper on animated transition in SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles!
July 2019Our short paper on nonuniform timeslicing of dynamic graphs is also accepted by IEEE VIS 2019!
July 2019My InfoVis paper DeepDrawing and three coauthored VAST papers are accepted by IEEE VIS 2019!
Jan. 2019Our paper PeerLens has been accepted by CHI 2019!
Oct. 2018Our project Babyface is covered by Japan NHK TV on Oct. 24, 2018: Japanese Version (starting from 3:35m) and English Version (starting from 1:36m).
Oct. 2018Present our TVCG paper on animated transition in IEEE VIS 2018.
Oct. 2018Our paper on using deep learning to evaluate graph drawing readability is accepted by IEEE CGA!
June 2018Give a talk about our business review comparison work in EuroVis 2018.
March 2018One paper is accepted by EuroVis 2018.
Jan. 2018One coauthored paper is accepted by Micron.
Nov. 2017One coauthored paper is accepted by ACM TiiS.
Aug. 2017Two papers are accepted by ACM TiiS and TVCG respectively.
June 2017One coauthored paper is accepted by IEEE VIS 2017.
May 2017One coauthored paper is accepted by KDD 2017.
March 2017One coauthored paper won IUI best paper Award.
June 2016Workded as a visiting research scholar (intern) in IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center from June to December, 2016.
Oct. 2015Present AmbiguityVis in IEEE VIS 2015 at Chicago and worked as a student volunteer.
July 2015Our paper AmbiguityVis is accepted by IEEE InfoVis 2015!

Research Grants


  • Mobile-friendly Data Visualization
  • PI, Singapore MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 2.


  • VA4MD: Visual Analytics for Accelerated 2D Semiconductor Material Design
  • PI, SMU-SUTD Joint Grant.


  • Lee Kong Chian Fellowship
  • PI, awarded by SMU.


  • Research on Key Technologies of Knowledge Network Representation and Visualization for Cognitive
  • Enhancement in Online Teaching
  • Co-PI, National Natural Science Foundation of China.


  • AI-Powered Data Visualization Design and User Interaction
  • PI, Singapore MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 1.

Awards and Honors



  • Funded by the PH-ITF program of Innovation and Technology Commission of Hong Kong


  • HKUST Overseas Research Award


  • National Scholarship


  • HUST Postgraduate Scholarship for 3 times


  • Outstanding Student Leader of HUST


  • People's Scholarship for 6 times


  • Second Prize of Bionic Robot Contest of HIT


  • Merit Student of Hunan Province

Media Coverage and Industry Deployment


  • My research project on mobile data visualization is highlighted by the SMU website.








Working/Research Experience

  • Assistant Professor
  • College of Computing and Data Science, NTU, Singapore.
  • Assistant Professor
  • School of Computing and Information Systems, SMU, Singapore.
  • Coordinator of BSc (CS) Cyber-Physical Systems Track
  • School of Computing and Information Systems, SMU, Singapore.
  • Post-doctoral Fellow
  • Department of CSE, HKUST, Hong Kong, China.
  • Research Assistant
  • Research Institute of Intelligent Control and Systems, HIT, Harbin, China.

Student Supervision Achievements

Shaolun RUAN
  • SMU Dean's List, 2024
  • SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship, 2022-2023, 2023-2024
Songheng Zhang
  • SMU Presidential Doctoral Fellowship, 2023-2024
  • IEEE VIS 2021 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2021
Haotian Li
  • ACM CHI 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2022
  • IEEE VIS 2021 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, 2021


OngoingSongheng Zhang, PhD student (BS @ UC Irvine), 2021.08 to now. Co-advised with Dr. Tony Tang.
Shaolun Ruan, PhD student (BS @ UESTC), 2022.01 to now. Co-advised with Dr. Jiannan Li.
Manusha Karunathilaka, PhD student (BS @ Uni. of Moratuwa), 2023.08 to now. Co-advised with Dr. Jiannan Li.
Xiaolin Wen, Research Engineer (Master @ SCU), 2023.09 to now.
Kavinda Athapaththu, Research Engineer (BS @ University of Colombo), 2024.01 to now.
Former@SMUCheng Chen, Visiting PhD Student from Renmin University of China, 2022.06 to 2023.11.
Li YE, Visiting Master Student from Hangzhou Dianzi University, 2023.08 to 2023.10.
Haoxuan Wang, Visiting Master Student from Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, 2023.08 to 2023.10.
Ribo Yuan, Remote Research Assistant from University of Delaware, 2022.05 to 2023.02.
Xiaolin Wen, Visiting Master Student from Sichuan University, 2022.02-2022.09.
Yanna Lin, Visiting PhD Student from HKUST, 2022.05-2022.09.
Haotian Li, Visiting Research Student from HKUST, 2021.02-2021.09.
Kim Siang Yeo, MITB Student, 2021.11-2022.05.
Haonan Xu, Msc Student, 2020.12-2021.06.
Former@HKUSTHaotian Li, RA -> PhD student, HKUST
Zhihua Jin, previously research intern and now PhD student, HKUST
Xingbo Wang, PhD student, HKUST
Huan Wei, PhD student, HKUST
Dong Sun, PhD student, HKUST
Meng Xia, PhD student, HKUST
Haipeng Zeng, PhD student, HKUST
Hammad Haleem, Mphil student, HKUST (now at Goldman Sachs)


Instructor@NTUSC2000: Prob&Stat for computing, 2024S1.
SC4024: Data Visualization, 2024S1.
SD6105: Data Visualization, 2024S1.
Instructor@SMUIS428: Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence, 2021T1, 2022T1, 2023T1.
IS111: Introduction to Programming, 2021T1, 2022T1.
CS421: Introduction to Machine Learning, 2020T2.
IS483: IS Project Experience (Applications), 2020T2.
Tsinghua-SMU Finance Joint Master Program, Guest Lecture, 2021 July.
TA@HKUSTComp2012: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, 2015 Sring, 2016 Spring.
Comp1022p: Introduction to Computing with Java, 2015 Fall.

Academic Services

Session Chair
  • IUI 2022
  • EuroVis 2023
PC Member
  • IEEE VIS (Full Paper), 2023, 2024
  • IEEE VIS (Short Paper), 2021, 2022
  • EuroVis 2023, 2024
  • PacificVis 2022, 2023, 2024
  • CIKM 2021, 2022, 2023
  • IUI 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • ChinaVis 2020,2021, 2022, 2023
  • PacificVis VIS Meets AI Workshop 2024
  • ICPADS 2018
  • Machine Learning in Visualisation for Big Data 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Conference Reviewer
  • IEEE VIS (InfoVis, VAST and SciVis) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • ACM CHI 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • PacificVis 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • EuroVis 2015, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2023, 2024
  • IUI 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
  • Graph Drawing(GD) 2016, 2017, 2023
  • WebConf 2024
  • ChinaVis 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • CIKM 2021, 2022, 2023
  • AAAI 2017
  • IEEE Big Data 2017
Journal Reviewer
  • IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
  • Computer Graphics Forum, 2016, 2020, 2021
  • Computer Graphics and Application, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2024
  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST), 2017
  • ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (ACM TiiS), 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • Computers & Graphics, 2020, 2021
  • Visual Informatics, 2021, 2023
  • Journal of Visualization, 2021, 2022
  • IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2023
  • Expert Systems With Applications, 2024
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2021
  • Frontiers of Computer Science, 2022
  • Micron, 2014
Student Volunteer
  • IEEE VIS Conference, Chicago, USA, 2015